Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Efficiency Center?

Efficiency Center is located on the second floor of Corniche Park building on Prince Turki Road, Khobar Corniche.

What are the prices?

Efficiency Center offers flexible renting options that include daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually, and annually subscriptions that can be extended at any time as well as seasonal offers. You can have a look at the current prices by clicking here.
Please note that the prices might change depending on the special offers. For further details about the prices, please contact our sales team on our unified number 920035115 or fill in the form on the website to book a tour!

Can I rent an individual office and share it?

Yes, you can utilize your office the way you need by adding one or more desks within the space and share it with your team.

Do you rent offices by meters?

No, we do not. Efficiency Center’s prices are calculated based on the space, views, and additional services.

Do I get to use the meetings and the conference rooms?

Yes. You get four free hours for the conference room and six free hours for the meetings room when you subscribe to any of the offices for a month.

Do you have an internet connection?

Yes. The whole area is covered with a strong internet connection.

Efficiency Center

Got more questions?

We will be more than glad to answer them